This picture looks really good in black and white. I think the lack of color adds simplicity. Its a nice touch to a fairly simple picture. I also like the interesting angle for shooting a deck of cards. I am thinking of setting up a macro still life booth in my room that I could change back grounds and lighting. If you have any ideas hit me up with a comment below.
A requirement for the High School I am attending is by the 10th grade I complete a personal project. I decided to take a picture a day for a year to better my photography skills. To keep track of this experience I decided to blog about my photos and therefore my life.
May 28, 2010
Day 31
This picture looks really good in black and white. I think the lack of color adds simplicity. Its a nice touch to a fairly simple picture. I also like the interesting angle for shooting a deck of cards. I am thinking of setting up a macro still life booth in my room that I could change back grounds and lighting. If you have any ideas hit me up with a comment below.