One of the branches of the military (I forgot which one) did a demonstration with two paratroopers landing on an x about ten feet wide. I was very impressed that they could land that precisely.
A requirement for the High School I am attending is by the 10th grade I complete a personal project. I decided to take a picture a day for a year to better my photography skills. To keep track of this experience I decided to blog about my photos and therefore my life.
October 28, 2010
I water marked this image. Tell me if you like the location and the color, font, drop shadow and anything else about the water mark. What could I change to make it look better and still be functional?
This is my friend sitting about 10 feet away from me. This is the picture that results from me using my 300mm lens to zoom in on his face.
Some of the scouts got the chance to go to a firefighters training center close by to the Rendezvous. Being one of those scouts I got to use the jaws of life to cut off the roof of a car.
Day 160
This last weekend was Rendezvous. This was a scout function for all scouts in our council (11 counties from North Carolina.) On this trip I took many pictures which i will be uploading in the next several posts.
October 20, 2010
October 17, 2010
This is a red tree we have in our back yard. Using an app on my phone I applied a LOMO filter to give it a special look.
On the bus in the morning we will often see the sun rising. While trying out my phones camera in different environments I caught this picture with very dramatic lighting.
This is the same rose that i took a picture of before. It was sitting in this container on the counter and the light was kitting it just right.
October 13, 2010
Tonight when my brother lit a fire in our back yard I saw the opportunity for a picture!!! This is the result.
October 12, 2010
Round five. I tried to post this picture before from my phone but it decided that no matter what I did it wanted the picture to go sideways. So I emailed it to myself and now I am posting it from my computer. I love technology but some days I wonder about it.
October 10, 2010
I love shooting pictures that showcase the beautiful depth of field that DSLRs have. My friends face is pretty amusing too.
This is my brother wearing my Dad's new bike jersey. My Dad wanted some pictures of his new jersey on his website and the first round that I tried I made the mistake of shooting the pics in the noonday sun so this picture from the second round of pics is a lot better.
This is my friend Marlee. This picture pretty much defines her personality too. Not a whole lot else you can say.
Homecoming! Last night was Homecoming at the local high school. Those two stunning people in the picture would be me on the right and my girlfriend Natasha on the left. Now I know what you are thinking. She is the most beautiful girl you have ever laid your eyes on but no, she is mine and you can't steal her from me. Nice try though :)
October 9, 2010

Recently i got a new android phone. Being a new user to the amdroid platform i love looking at new apps, so while scrolling through the app store i decided i would look to see if there was any apps i could use to post to my blog from my phone. I found blogaway. This is my first time using it so we will see how it works.
P.S. I also took this picture on my phone.
October 8, 2010
The contests is finally over. After much commenting we have a winner!!!
( Drum roll please)
...And the Winner is
This means that David will be receiving and 8x10 print of any picture he would like on the blog.
So David if you would. Please email me at and you I will work with you to get you your prize!
People always do have great expressions. When you capture these expressions with a camera it makes you feel like you have done your job as photographer.
October 3, 2010
The New York Giants running it down the field. These crop of pictures had better color than the last ones but they were still really dark. The combination of dark and fast moving people id not a good one. Most of the pictures had slight blur to them because I couldn't get a shutter speed fast enough to let in light and capture the action.
Hut. Hut. Hike!!! My brother playing football once again only this time it was exciting to watch! His team scored in the last 11 second of the game! Can you say cutting it close?
October 1, 2010
The rain in this picture was on top of my Mom's car. After a little sharpening and contrast adjustment I changed it to a nice sepia tone and this is the result.
I like the surrealism to this photo. To achieve it I took a long exposure and then quickly put the red part of the umbrella in front of the camera. This put a lot of red light into the picture and gave it this look.
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